Saturday, October 24, 2009

Paris ... or as Ty and I like to call it, Pari ...

Smallest hotel room we've ever stayed in ...

What the heck? While strolling in the park to the Eiffel, Ty and I not only saw these, but watched men using them. So Ty took a turn.
Our first picture of the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889 by Gustave Eiffel. Height: 324 meters - Weight: 10,100 tons.
So pretty. This was right across from the Eiffel.
I wanted to take a picture of the police car for my boys.
Why is our Hotel bathroom picture right here? Could it be any smaller?
These were the pretty flowers I saw while waiting in line to go up the Eiffel.

Ground level of the Eiffel ...
Pretty Fall tree ...

Almost to the top. I swore the building shook when I was walking up! As amazing as it was, I have to admit it was scary. I'm not a big fan of heights and you could literally see all the way down on both sides of you while climbing up. It was so worth it though.
Some snapshots from the Eiffel ...

Ty and I walked up to the 2nd level. There are 300 steps to each level, but you have to take the lift up to the very top. Check out that view behind us ...

Our hotel was across the street from where I took this picture. I thought Paris felt very New York but without the super tall buildings. Apartments and offices share the same street.

This was our first meal in Paris! It was very delish, but the ketchup tasted a bit strange. A water or coke this size were both 4.50 in Euros. A simple meal like this was about 40 Euros!

If I remember right, I think Ty told me that this is where Lance Armstrong rides his bike down after a win. I may have to get back to this picture. Pretty view anyway ...
The expression on this mans face was how I felt (and probably looked) after someone would step in front of me while I was trying to take a picture or read a sign. This was at Arc de triomphe ...
Heading to the Arc de triomphe underground. There was some serious madness going on above us. Crazy!
This roundabout has no lines in the street, yielding signs or speed limit. It really is an enter at your own risk. Our tour guide book advised us that if we wanted to live life a little longer, then we shouldn't try crossing by foot. Ty wanted to prove the book wrong.
All lit up. Soooo beautiful!
A couple of potties. How convenient ...
Arc de triomphe ...

We walked up and down these stairs in Arc de triomphe. I made Ty take the picture. =)
View from Arc de triomphe ...
I took this picture while on our way to the Louvre ...
Another warm welcome to Pari! I had a lemon crepe and Ty had a strawberry chocolate coconut one. We were happy!

Walking downtown Paris ...

I loved how the chairs were all scattered around the park. The very first thing Ty and I noticed while in Germany and France was how relaxed and calm people were. No one was walking around talking on their cell phones. No one was cramming food in their mouths while walking around and talking on their cell phones. Everything was in the moment. It was nice and I loved it.
People were wrapped around this fountain just reading and visiting.
A thing ...
"Where are the stop signs? Oh wait! I think those small white poles are the stop signs! Yep, they are!"
de Louvre ...
Applesauce!! Why is the Are de triomphe picture here?
Louvre ...
These were hand sculpt and we have no idea what they were. I just knew my kids would have like them!
Love it ...
Now do you see what I'm talking about? Seriously!
Could totally relate to this woman ...

Inside the Louvre ...

The Mona Lisa ...
While walking back from the Louvre we saw this boat with Mississippi on it.
The Seine River ...

Venus De Milo ...

Are de triomphe at night ...
Flower shoppe ....
Notre-Dame ....
They really know how to sculpt the details of peoples privates and these happened to be boys, so I took a picture from behind knowing that Madi would be looking at the pictures too. lol
Clocks were on a lot of the buildings. Loved it!
Pictures of Germany coming soon ... =)


Austin Tolman said...

So Beautiful! I want to go so bad. I'm seriously starting to save up for a cool trip to Europe.

Becky Gray said...

Carrie.... It is so beautiful and it makes me want to go there too! I bet it was so fun!!

Michelle Y. said...

How fun! I love your pictures, I want to go!