Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Look who's 4 today!!

I can't believe 4 years ago today my baby was born! How fast time flies! Owen was born a planned C-section. I had to be at the hospital at 6 a.m. and at 8:15 a.m. this little man came and forever changed our family.

Fun facts about our little boy ...

Owen loves the color white
He likes to eat his food starting in the middle. For example he starts his sandwich with a hole in the middle.
He loves to throw rocks in water and then laugh at the splash
He has ran more than he has EVER walked. Dead serious.
He likes to fart and then blame it on ME! Yes, I have been mortified a few times.
He will snuggle and kiss me (lick me too) any time I ask.
He will ask me to hold him and I love that and I hope it never stops.
He LOVES dirt more than any other outside toy. He likes to put it in his hair especially.
He says the funniest things. He keeps us laughing.
He makes a mess everywhere he goes. He can sit, lay and walk on mess. I kinda think he likes it.
He refuses to help clean up.
I love how he sounds out his words. If he were my first child I would feel nervous.
He is smart
He can do amazing backflips
He likes to flip around a lot
He has the sweetest singing voice.
We love everything about our Owen Byron Tolman. He is delish!!

Owen woke up this morning to see this cool green bike waiting for him. He loved it! The only thing he really asked for for his birthday was a Lightening McQueen car "with no dirt on it." His wish was granted. Madi and Jacob were so cute with him this morning when he rode it for the first time. They wanted to guard him like any big brother and sister should. Later this afternoon Jacob and Owen went on a ride and Jacob let Owie go ahead of him .... (shocked the knickers off me) because he said he "loves him."
We went to Toys R Us to spend some birthday money. They gave him a balloon and crown to wear while he shopped. They also announced his birthday for all to hear. Two strangers acknowledged him and wished him a happy birthday.
For his birthday breakfast we ate french toast.

Happy Birthday baby boy! We love you more than you'll ever know!

More events and pictures of his special day to come ...


Meredith said...

What a fun birthday! Happy Birthday to Owen!!

amy16 said...

Happy Birthday Owen. We're so excited for you party!